A loan with us could raise your credit score over 100 points and more. Your credit score is more important now than ever. As you make your timely payments each month, we send that information to the credit bureau. Each month your credit improves showing your commitment to improving your credit to other potential lenders for future loans. Building credit is more than just borrowing money and paying it back. Making consecutive monthly payment s on time creates a history. This history of making payments on time is the key to rebuilding credit. Some lenders do not report to the bureau monthly, some report to the bureau once a year or when the loan is paid off in full. You could have made payments for 11 months and no other lender can take those 11 payments that were paid on time, in consideration for giving you another loan. Buckeye Financial has helped thousands of people get their credit reported to the credit bureau insist on a lender that gives you credit for making your payments on time.
The majority of the loans we approve are for 24 months or less. Although Buckeye Financial does make exceptions and are very flexible, we have done loans as much as $20,000 and term as long as 48 months. We specialize in building peoples credit by improving their credit by doing short term loans lower dollar loans Shorter terms and lower dollar loans mean less interest paid over the course of the loan, faster loan payoffs and increasing the speed on building ones good credit.
Down payments starting as low as $295.00. Down payments vary by model, cars, are typically less money than truck and SUV’s and therefore usually require less money down. Remember, our loans aren’t based on just credit scores alone. Your approval and monthly payments have a direct relationship to your down payment. The more money you put down, typically the bank becomes more flexible. By placing more money down, you are lowering the banks Collateral risk, for this reason, they will lend more and allow more flexible terms.
If within 48 hours you don’t like the terms of your loan approval or you don’t like the vehicle for any reason you can change your mind with peace of mind. Our 48 hour money back guarantee applys to all our loans. You don't have to reselect another vehicle. There’s no strings attached. Just bring the vechile back and get a full refund. Many dealerships do not offer a money back guarantee and we will not work with an auto dealer that doesn’t abide by our 48 hour money back guarantee. We will not work with dealers who allow you to bring the vehicle back for an exchange of equal on higher value. We believe this a trick especially, because many dealers do not price the vehicles up front. We believe if a dealer is willing to let you change your mind, you should not be limited to choosing a vehicle that’s more money. Make sure you get a loan from a lender that has an unconditional 48 hour money back guarantee. See terms of sale for more details.
Speak directly across the table to a person who wants to give you a loan. This is what makes getting a loan through Buckeye Financial so much easier than the traditional car dealer’s approval process. We sit down and discuss your credit situation with you. For instance, why has your credit gone bad…what happened…loss of hours at work, laid off, loss of income. There is usually an understandable explanation to one’s bumped, bruised or broken down credit. We do not need a credit score to get you approved. After a better understanding of your current credit situation, we then offer you a loan, if our loan offer matches your expectations…Great! You’re on your way to building good credit, if our loan offer does not meet your expectations in the least, you will leave with a clear definition in writing of what were able to offer you. No more wondering or waiting, you will have a clear and defined understanding of what loans are available to you. Our one on one consultation is a mandatory requirement with Buckeye Financial, we will not be able to offer a concrete loan approval until this consultation is complete. To schedule your consultation, call 877-820-8461 or fill out our online credit application to get started.
Quality dependable cars, trucks, minivans, and SUV’s. Clean, reliable vehicles at a price you can afford. Price range of automobile we offer range from $2500 to $7000. There are exceptions to this, we have made loans up to $18000 before but typically Buckeye Financial, a Tier 3 lender, specializes in lower dollar short term loans with the intent of building peoples credit over a short time. Our vehicles go through a 55 point inspection, we change the oil and filter and back it all up with an unconditional 48 hour money back guarantee. Most of our less expensive vehicles we sell as is. Some of our lower mile vehicles come with a 3 month or 3000 mile limited Power train warranty that covers the internal lubricated parts with the engine and transmission. We do not recommend purchasing aftermarket extended warranties. If you have ever purchased a vehicle and elected to purchase an aftermarket extended warranty, you may already know most aftermarket warranties do not cover much. They blame it on your inability to properly the vehicle, or blame it on not keeping adequate records of maintenance or just plain customer abuse. Our goal is to work with our customers to find a way to keep repairs affordable while at the same time keep the loan low. The lower the loan the sooner it is paid off, the sooner it is paid off the faster your credit is rebuilt.